Document Type CodesΒΆ
CODE | Document Title | EDI | TYPE |
– – | General business documents | ||
BL | Motor Carrier Bill of Lading | 211 | n/a |
PO | Purchase Order | 850 | n/a |
PR | Purchase Order Acknowledgment (Sales Order) | 855 | n/a |
IB | Inventory Inquiry/Advice | 846 | n/a |
SH | Shipment Notice/Manifest (ASN)
(Substitutes for 943 inbound or 945 outbound)
856 | 3
– – | Bailment Warehouse documents | ||
AR | Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice | 943 | 3 |
RE | Warehouse Stock Receipt Advice | 944 | 3 |
AW | Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice | 947 | 5 |
OW | Warehouse Shipping Order | 940 | 2 |
SW | Warehouse Shipping Advice | 945 | 4 |
– – | Other warehousing documents | ||
LT | Rewarehousing Location Transfer | n/a | 1 |
n/a | Transaction Charges | n/a | 6 |
n/a | Credit Memo / Payment Advice | n/a | 7 |
IN | Warehouse Invoice | 810 | 8 |
PP | Pick Ticket / Packing Slip | n/a | n/a |
Source: ASC-X12 Data Element 479 - Functional Identifier Code.
There is no code “PP” in the EDI standards, as Pick Tickets and Packing slips are paper forms, and not EDI documents.