.. _locator: ############################# Locator Views ############################# Locator Purpose ============================= The **Locator** displays warehouse inventory quantity and status information through a series of four views: documents, transaction lines, locator items, and product inventory. * **Documents** form the basis of warehouse management. The locator lists documents and displays document details. Filter options for documents are by account, date or date range, product, and lot. * Document **transaction** lines provide the basic information used to build locator balances. The transaction lines view may be filtered by account, product, lot, date or date range, document, and location or location range. * :ref:`inv-balances` summarize locator information by product. The balances view is dynamic, created from the locator information. Inventory is filtered by account and product. * :ref:`inventory` shows warehouse inventory and quantities organized by lot and product. The locator view filter includes account, product, lot, location or location range, and on-hand/expected/undelivered. Fungible bulk goods which are not stored by unit are displayed by location or lot instead. Inventory quantities show on-hand, allocated/committed, reserved with hold codes, and resulting available. Optionally the locator may show goods in transit and shipped quantites where delivery has not been confirmed. Locator Features ============================= * Directed putaway and automated pick assignment * Re-warehousing calculation for space and travel optimization * Cycle counting and bulk inventory collection for inventory accuracy. Locator features take advantage of an Android-based application, available for free from the Google store for use with Advanced WARES. Facility Setup ============================= The physical location for goods in storage is described in the facility setup. Setup buildings. Setup location codes. View inventory locations. Locator Transaction Columns ============================= Excluding location transfers, locator transaction lines are identically the inventory document line transactions. The database column layout for these transactions is available in documentation resources at :ref:`lotlines-schema`.