.. _export-details: ############################# JSON DETAILS Export ############################# The DOS WARES export utility writes lot details in sequentially numbered JSON transaction files. The export definition with JSON names and corresponding WARES dictionary columns which provide data conversion between record layouts in DOS WARES and webWARES are documented in the following table. .. note:: Column F/S/J indicates if a WARES data field (F), a synthetic field (S), or a synthetic column specific to the JSON export (J). Column S/M indicates whether a column is single-valued (S) or array multivalue (M). Column A/N refers to whether the data will be quoted string (A) or unquoted numeric (N). DETAILS ============================= +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F/S/J | JSON NAME | M/S | A/N | DICTIONARY ("value") | COMMANDS | +=======+==================+=====+=====+======================+===============+ | N/A | uniqueKey | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | account | S | A | ACCOUNT | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | product | S | A | PRODUCT | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | N/A | variety | S | A | "null" | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | control | S | A | CONTROL | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | N/A | documentType | S | A | "IB" | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | document | S | A | @ID | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | N/A | revision | S | A | "00" | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | postDate | S | A | DATE | (D-JS) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | controlCode | S | A | CONTROLCODE ("NA") | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | description | T | A | DESCRIPTION | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | | dimensions | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitUom | S | A | UOM_STORE ("PL") | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitNet | S | N | PROD_WT_NET ("null") | (MD2L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitTare | S | N | PROD_WT_TARE ("null")| (MD2L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitSize | S | N | PROD_SIZE ("null") | (MD42L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitStack | S | N | FACT_STACK ("null") | (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageUom | S | A | UOM_PIECE ("EA") | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | packageCount | S | N | FACT_STORE ("null") | (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | packageNet | S | N | FACT_WEIGHT ("null") | (MD42L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageTare | S | N | FACT_TARE ("null") | (MD42L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageSize | S | N | FACT_VOLUME ("null") | (MD42L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerUom | S | A | UOM_INNER ("null") | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerCount | S | N | PROD_PACK ("null") | (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerWeight | S | N | INNERS_WEIGHT "null" | (MD42L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerSize | S | N | INNERS_SIZE ("null") | (MD42L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ .. _export-lines: TRANSACTION LINES ============================= +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F/S/J | JSON NAME | M/S | A/N | DICTIONARY ("value") | COMMANDS | +=======+==================+=====+=====+======================+===============+ | N/A | detail | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | sequenceKey | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,1> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitIdentifier | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,2> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | transactionType | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,3> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | transaction | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,4> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | lineKey | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,5> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | status | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,6> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | postDate | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,7> (D-JS) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | location | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,8> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | account | S | A | ACCOUNT | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | product | S | A | PRODUCT | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | N/A | variety | S | A | "null" | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | F | control | S | A | CONTROL | | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | condition | M | A | SERIAL_LIST ("G") | <,,13> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | description | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,14> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitUom | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,15> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitNet | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,16> (MD2L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitTare | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,17> (MD2L) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitSize | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,18> (MD42L)| +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | unitStack | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,19> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageUom | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,20> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageCount | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,21> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageOnHand | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,22> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageReserve | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,23> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageNet | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,24> (MD42L)| +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageTare | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,25> (MD42L)| +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | packageSize | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,26> (MD42L)| +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | overShort | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,27> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerUom | M | A | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,28> | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerCount | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,29> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerOnHand | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,30> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerReserve | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,31> (MD0) | +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerWeight | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,32> (MD42L)| +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ | J | innerSize | M | N | SERIAL_LIST (null) | <,,33> (MD42L)| +-------+------------------+-----+-----+----------------------+---------------+ .. note:: Transaction line detail is directly posted from transaction documents in receipts, shipments, and adjustments.