Contacts and Addresses

All name and address information for entities in WARES is stored in the Contacts database table, making Contacts management a fundamental part of the technology in WARES. A typical contact record may contain four types of information: an entity name, an address, communication entries for email, phone, and so forth, and freight configuration options.

A Type code prefixes each Contacts identifier, and the Type determines how the contact is used by the program. The default Type Code list may be viewed at Contacts Type Codes. The following topics show how Type codes are used for warehouse operations, account management, and shipping activities.

Facilities and Accounts

General accounting programs usually fail to allow for the variety of address and contact entities which a company must use. The need for multiple special addresses is especially true with logistics services, where shipping, billing, and administrative functions are frequently managed from separate locations.

Facility Setup Addresses

Each warehouse facility master Company record contains links to several contact addresses. These addresses are typically entered once when the facility is first configured, but they may be changed later as required. Facility Contact types and addresses are:

Code Description
C The Company general mailing address
SF The default Company shipping address
BT The Company Bill To address, used for payables
RI The Company remittance address, printed on invoices
F A Company communication record (email, phone, etc.)
B A warehouse facility or building address for logistics

Each of these contact types, if present, will provide unique address data for the purpose specified. If a type is omitted, the address will default to the general company address with type code C.

Account Setup Addresses

Warehouse Accounts, or customers, may use contact addresses as follows:

Code Description
A The Account general mailing address
ST The Account package receiving address
BT The Account Bill To address, for Receivables
PF The Account prepaid freight payment address

Contact types listed above provide account addresses for specific purposes. When an account contact type is omitted, the address used will default to the general account address with type code A.

Entering Account Addresses

Account address and contact information is usually entered when setting up a new account, and it is updated as neccessary on instruction from the client. Each account Contacts record uses the Account identifier, but with varing Type code entries to distinguish the separate records. An example account address record is shown in the side bar.

Communication entries are certainly needed for Accounts, and sometimes for other addresses as well. Each communication entry may be labeled using either standard codes or custom entries, as selected from Contact Communication Labels.


Account linking entries and Freight Pay codes are not used and not entered for addresses associated with an Account Setup, or with Facility Setup either. These entries are protected or hidden for the type codes listed in these sections.

Ship-From and Ship-To Addresses

Warehouses produce logistics documents for warehouse receiving services and for outbound shipping. Each document may contain several addresses to satisfy all the document requirements. These addresses, many of which were mentioned previously, are given in the following two tables.

Receiving Logistics Documents

A Warehouse Receipt document may include the following addresses:

Code Description
ST, B The receipt destination point, or warehouse building address
SF, VN The shipped from origination point or vendor address
A The Account general mailing address and communication record
C, RI The warehouse company remittance address, if invoiced

Shipping Logistics Documents

In Third-Party logistics, the Bill of Lading should present the following four addresses:

Code Description
SF, B The shipment origination point, or warehouse building address
ST, CN The shipment consignee or receiving address or location
A The Account general mailing address and communication record
PF The Freight Payor’s address, based on freight payment terms

Most of these addresses are defined during Facility setup and Account entry, with the exception of Ship-From and Ship-To contacts. Where goods come from, and where they are going to, may have to be entered for each receipt or shipment. An example Ship-To contact record is shown to the right.

This contact is linked to the Account associated with the inventory, and if necessary, a FreightPay code may be entered to override account settings.

Other Contact Entity Names

Additional Contact entity types are used throughout WARES, as listed in the following table.

Code Description Where Used


Warehouse building address
Location Setup
Warehouse Receipts
Bills of Lading
E Warehouse employee name Activity tracking
T EDI trading partner Data Exchange

Freight carrier
Warehouse Receipts
Bills of Lading

Of these Contacts, freight carriers commonly need to be entered apart from Facility Setup and Account Entry. An example carrier contact is displayed in the sidebar.

Contacts Database Schema

The Contacts database column schema can be found at CONTACTS Data Table Columns.